Chronic Pain

When I first started, I was pretty skeptical about whether she'd be able to help with the discomfort I'd lived with for so many years. It turned out to be be the best decision I ever made. The pain is almost entirely gone, the paralysis is subsiding and things continue to improve as treatment progresses!

– Mark

Neck and shoulder pain

I came in because I had too much pain in my neck and shoulders. I feel so much better every time I come for an adjustment. I am feeling so relieved of pain. I just want to say that I will continue to tune-up my body properly.

- Bertha

Lower Back Pain

I came to Resaissance because I experienced sharp lower back pain so bad that it took my breath away. If I had known then what I know now, I would have visited RFC years ago!  

– Mike


When I first came to Renaissance I was experiencing severe headaches along with numbing in both arms with pressure on the spinal cord. Today, I have very few headaches and no numbing down my arms. Thank you very much. 

– Jeannette


I had been suffering for years from severe pain in my neck and right shoulder that was further complicated by whiplash from a recent car accident. I have now been pain free for many weeks and have learned what to do in my lifestyle to help avoid mistreating my spine!

– Vicki

Auto Accident

After I was in a car wreck in September of 2003, all that my doctors would do is give me pain killers, but no real therapy. They realigned my neck and I left that day feeling better than any of my other doctors could make me feel. 

– Brad

Improvement, Finally! 

This is my fourth Chiropractor and finally things are improving a lot. 

– Kathy

Migraine Headaches

I came to Renaissance due to severe migraine headaches that I had suffered for almost 40 years. They have given me my life back. I no longer take the prescription medicine. I will be forever grateful.

– Donna

Pain & Numbness

I came to Renaissance because I was experiencing pain and aching in my feet along with numbness in my heels, and arches. I felt relief almost immediately. I learned how my back and neck muscles work and was able to recondition them. I am able to do my work without all the pain and know what to do for any problems that return. Excellent help!

– Roger

Numbness in Hands

I was experiencing numbness of the last three fingers on both hands. Within two weeks the numbness in my fingers was gone. I also quit walking with a noticeable limp. 

– Jan